January 6th, 2021

If you are a smart person who does not need to race to be wrong, then like me you can write about things when most of the real information has surfaced. I rather provide as much truth about something unless I am truly writing as commentary. First thing is first – J6 Had the right …

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Woke is Whack

I know that most of us know that this is true. The bigger problem is that people are afraid to call things out. Corporations fall for these “cancellations” from people who are not their typical customers. They either need to stay silent or use a good English phrase “piss off” or one of the American …

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Not my Government – Obvious solution!

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution

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The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law

Hitler’s American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law Paperbackby James Q. Whitman How American race law provided a blueprint for Nazi Germany Nazism triumphed in Germany during the high era of Jim Crow laws in the United States. Did the American regime of racial oppression in any way inspire the …

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Lemon and Fredo want you deprogrammed

https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/duncan-schroeder/2021/01/24/cuomo-and-lemon-discuss-deprogramming-diabolical-far-right These 2 clowns want to “deprogram” conservatives? Funny all I have seen from #BLM #Antifa is “brownshirt” operations. Also, there are “mask-brownshirts” who will report you or go all “Karen” on you for not wearing a mask. brownshirt – The Sturmabteilung: Hitler’s Unofficial Army Of Thugs Literally ‘Storm Unit,’ the SA was once a …

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Why the News shills

There is always a lot of debate about the news anchors, I don’t care what company you get your news from. You can get it from #Al-Jazeera, #ABC, #CBS, #CNN, #ESPN, #FOX, #MSNBC, #NBC, #RT, etc. People will tell you that Rachael Maddow is really smart and is a Rhode Scholar or Morning Joe is …

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Air bags are the death of cars

So i have been binge watching “dash cam videos”, these are typically cameras placed on the dashboard or windshield of a vehicle and it records what’s in front of the vehicle. At first I was watching these as a personal test to see where the accident was going to take place and I did pretty …

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Teleworks Unite!

I would like to thank the #coronavirus for helping me make a point that I have talked about for years. I work in the tech field 99.9% of my work comes from either email, a ticketing system, or an occasional phone call and sometimes a screen share to assist a customer. I can contact my …

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Common Core Caucus

So ex-Hillary staffers created the app that was used in the Iowa caucus. The company name Shadow Co. (nice job on the name). The app was developed in 2 months. So America think, these are the people who changed our government school education. These are the people who want to run everything in your life, …

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What is school?

Merely an indoctrination into a system of acceptable thoughts.

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What or who are you really mad at?

Did you hate Obama, do you hate Trump? Did they do anything to you? directly? NO!, they did not. So you don’t like the ACA (Obamacare), neither do I. I used to have “Cadillac” insurance, it usually means that you have very little out of your own pocket. It can cost more unless you work …

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Hate, it’s so easy a Caveman can do it.

What is with everyone? Have we become the United States of Triggered? Hate and negativity is so easy, you spend your whole day looking for the bad in everything. I hate people that do (insert anything), why? How bad is your life really? Did you know that the poorest person in America is still better …

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Hey America, Do You Want Your Country back?

Did you say yes?  Well I am proud of you, now please read and learn the 18 Powers of Congress. These are the ONLY powers that are to govern the country as a whole. (more below) Article 1 – The Legislative Branch Section 8 – Powers of Congress 1 The Congress shall have Power To …

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Can Maxine Waters impeach President Trump? NO

https://www.google.com/search?q=maxine+waters&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-ab Just Google this lady and watch what she is saying, whether its about President Trump or his cabinet. She has been saying she is going to impeach President Trump, well she can’t. That is just rhetoric so her base will continue to follow her and vote for her in the upcoming election. Article 1 …

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O Elizabeth Warren when will you say something that is truth

Elizabeth Warren and most of the liberal screamers and of course the media all go on and on about babies, toddlers and kids being “ripped” from their mothers, parents etc, held in cages like animals. Well, it’s a LIE, yes LIE.  First off its camera angles and it’s been proven. Secondly, the conditions were worse …

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Liberals hate America, it depends on who is the President

https://news.gallup.com/poll/236420/record-low-extremely-proud-americans.aspx I wish Liberals would learn to “feel” less and think more. Sure I did not care for Barack as my President, but I did not like my country any less. Actually, I liked my country the same and I disliked what that eight years did to her. If you can hate a country based on …

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Well we are back!

It’s been longer than planned but we hope to be able to spend more time on this blog and continue to provide the TRUTH with our added opinions.

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2016 election part 2

I was interrupted and lost some of my thoughts, so now I have them back. Another reason the GOP will not win the 2016 election. The UNconstitutional actions of the current administration, here I blame all who are trying to push this amnesty “crap” down our throats. Now we are being told we “have” to …

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2016 Election

To my fellow conservatives, lovers of freedom and liberty. I am with each and every one of you. I want to return to the Constitution, I want ObamaCare dissolved, I want our borders closed and illegals deported, etc. But I have a feeling that we are going to get a rude awakening come 2016. I …

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Just to outrage some people – ANCHOR BABY ANCHOR BABY


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